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David Tenembaum, MD

Jackson Heights
90-01 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11372
tel: 718-396-2005   |   text: 718-500-4920

53-14 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11377
tel: 718-396-2005   |   text: 718-500-4920

APRIL: IBS Awareness Month

Dr. David Tenembaum


What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

-Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS or spastic colon is an intestinal digestive disorder that may cause stomach pain, bloating, cramping, diarrhea and/or constipation. IBS symptoms frequently overlap with other functional gastrointestinal disorders which must be ruled out for appropriate treatment and adequate care. We are still not sure of what the true cause of IBS is.

How is Irritable Bowel Syndrome diagnosed?

IBS is diagnosed clinically, there is no specific test or marker. Signs that may suggest you have IBS are change in bowel habits that include constipation or diarrhea, change in appearance of stool, consistent bloating and/or abdominal distention and severe pain that is relieved with passing stool all which occur more than 1 time per week for the past 3 months.

How common is IBS?

-It has been reported that as many as 10-20% of adults in Western countries have IBS-like symptoms and a global prevalence of 11.2%. Younger individuals (ages 25-45) are more likely to report IBS like symptoms as compared to older individuals, although IBS can occur at any age. Women report IBS symptoms more often than men.

How is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treated?

-Treatment includes lifestyle changes, managing known triggers, changing your diet and possibly taking medications. Changes in your diet may include a special diet called the FODMAPs diet which is based on reducing short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. Its not uncommon to try multiple treatments before finding what is truly right for you. Visit our website at or visit Dr. David Tenembaum, a gastroenterologist located in Queens, New York for the right treatment plan.

Médico y paciente

Jackson Heights
90-01 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11372
tel: 718-396-2005
text: 718-500-4920

53-14 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11377
tel: 718-396-2005
text: 718-500-4920

Appointment this week

Dr. David Tenembaum MD. Designed by

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