David Tenembaum, MD
Jackson Heights
90-01 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11372
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920
53-14 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11377
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920

Helicobacter Pylori
What is Helicobacter Pylori?
-Helicobacter Pylori is a bacteria that's usually found in the stomach. Frequency is directly linked to race, as certain ethnicities are statistically more likely to harbor the bacteria. Whites have a very low prevalence rate of 20% compared to Hispanic groups who have a prevalence rate of 60%.
How Does H. Pylori Present?
-Most patients who are infected with H. Pylori never manifest symptoms, those that do may complain of stomach pain, nausea, bloating, burping, bad breath, reflux and abdominal distention.
-Patients who are carriers of H. Pylori have a 15% lifetime risk of developing stomach and duodenal ulcers and approximately 1% risk of developing cancer.
How is H. Pylori Diagnosed & Treated?
-Helicobacter pylori can be diagnosed via a stool test, a breath test or via biopsy with an endoscopy. When H. Pylori is found with stomach cancer, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, discomfort and/or pain it should be treated. You will need to complete a 14 day combination of two antibiotics and a pill to reduce the acid in your stomach helping the antibiotics work more effectively and reduce the pain.